GST Rates in Singapore

The current GST rate is 7%, implemented in April 1994. GST is charged on almost all supplies of goods and services in Singapore, with a few exceptions. 

Businesses registered for GST must charge GST on their taxable supplies of goods and services. They must also submit quarterly GST returns to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) and pay due taxes. 

The GST rates in Singapore are reviewed periodically to ensure that they are adequate and appropriate. The last GST rate review was in 2007, when the GST rate was increased from 5% to 7%. There are a lot of logistic hubs that offer a zero GST warehouse in Singapore.

What Is The Function Of GST In Singapore?

In Singapore, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value-added tax levied on the import of goods and services. The GST is imposed on almost all goods and services consumed in Singapore, with a few exceptions. GST is also charged on the import of services into Singapore. 

The GST is a consumption tax levied on the consumption of goods and services in Singapore. The GST is collected by businesses when they provide goods and services to consumers. Companies can recover the GST they have paid on their inputs by claiming a GST refund.

The purpose of the GST is to create a more efficient tax system that is simpler and fairer for businesses and consumers. The GST also helps to encourage companies to be more efficient and innovative.

Here Are the Benefits of Goods and Service Tax in Singapore:

  • Simple Compliance

One of the benefits of the GST is that it is a relatively simple tax to comply with. Businesses only need to charge GST on their taxable goods and services and pay GST on imported goods. They can claim GST credits for the GST paid on their inputs. 

Businesses can also voluntarily register for GST, even if they do not meet the registration threshold. It can benefit companies by allowing them to claim GST credits on their purchases. Overall, the GST is a relatively straightforward tax to comply with, and the compliance benefits can be significant for businesses.

  • Uniformity Of Tax Rates and Structures

One of the benefits of GST is that it helps to ensure uniformity of tax rates and structures. It is because all businesses are required to charge GST on their goods and services at the same rate. As a result, companies cannot compete with each other based on lower taxes. GST also helps to create a level playing field for businesses.

  • Elimination Of Cascading

Cascading is a tax on tax and is a significant contributor to the cost of goods and services. Eliminating Cascading is one of the critical benefits of the Goods and Service Tax (GST) in Singapore. Cascading occurs when tax is levied on goods or services at each stage of production or distribution. It results in a ‘tax on tax,’ which drives up the cost of goods and services.


Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a consumption tax levied on selling goods and services in Singapore. GST is charged on all goods and services sold in Singapore, with a few exceptions. GST is imposed on the import of goods into Singapore. GST is one of the most efficient taxes and is easy to comply with. GST is a self-assessing tax. It means that businesses are responsible for assessing and collecting consumer tax.

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